
Our mission is to provide you with the absolute best dental care possible at your upcoming appointment. Your health and the safety of our team is our top priority. With that, we are requiring all patients review the following health questions prior to their appointment and contact our team at 518-373-1181 should you answer "yes" to any.

Do you or your child have a fever or have you/they felt hot or feverish recently (past 14-21 days)?
Are you/they having shortness of breath or other difficulties breathing?
Do you/they have a cough?
Are you/they experiencing any other flu-like symptoms, such as gastrointestinal upset, headache, fatigue?
Have you/they experienced recent loss of taste or smell?
Are you/they in contact with any confirmed COVID-19 positive patients?

Below are The Smile Lodge updated policies and procedures for your review: 

I understand that my dentist’s office staff will take appropriate precautions. However, I have been advised and fully understand that when I come to be seen at the office, despite these efforts, there may still be risks to me of becoming infected with COVID-19. I understand and agree that the procedure may have to be delayed or cancelled due to my illness or that of the staff or dentist, until such time as it is deemed to be reasonable and safe. During this time cleanings will be done without the assistance of the rubber cup toothbrush. If we are unable to effectively clean your childs teeth, we may have to make another appointment to complete the rubber cup polishing.

I understand that if I have questions regarding The Smile Lodge policies, I will consult with The Smile Lodge team via email at The voluntary decision to visit The Smile Lodge serves as acknowledgement.


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